These Terms and Conditions are designed to ensure that our high standards of professionalism and respect for everyone involved in Fairy Footsteps can be maintained.

Class etiquette


  • Be punctual to all lessons to avoid distraction.
  • Take your child to the toilet prior to the lesson if need be.
  • Have your child dressed appropriately, with ballet shoes if they are over 3years, so they feel comfortable and part of the group.
  • Be respectful to other children, parents and the teacher and if you have any questions please speak to the teacher after class or email the Director Kelli Dennison at info@fairyfootsteps.com.au

Parent/carer/guardian responsibilities

During classes parents are required to remain on the premises and are welcome to stay and watch classes. Please be seated and quiet during class so that your child can focus and bond with the teacher and other children. Siblings must remain seated and quiet at all times, and in no circumstances are permitted to enter the dance space. 

As your child gains confidence it is often beneficial for you to wait outside the dance room, but still on the premises, for the duration of the class in case your child needs you. However, this is entirely your choice.

You agree that you are responsible for the safety and well being of your child at all times and if you should need leave the premises (which we do not permit), you will be contactable by phone at all times and return immediately should the teacher contact you.

You agree that if your child is unwell or has a medical condition you are fully responsible for the well being of your child. Teachers must be notified of any medical condition or injury that your child may have.

After class and pick up time

You are responsible for picking up your child after class. If you are not waiting in the dance room, please be waiting at the door at least 5 minutes before the class ends.  If someone else apart from the person who dropped your child off is picking them up you are responsible for letting the teacher know. Parents or carers should always be present at the close of class.

Enrolment and re-enrolment

All enrolment fees are to be completed by bank transfer, and be done so with enough time to allow for the funds to clear.  All fees must be paid prior to the commencement of term otherwise your child/children’s place will be released and open to another child. The uniform fee is a one-off and does not need to be paid on re-enrolment, unless you require a new ballet dress.

Missed lessons

Missed lessons are not refunded or exchanged. Instead your child may come along to a ‘make-up’ lesson on another day or week during the current term, if available. Please email our office to  find out your options for a make up class, and to book in.


You agree to pay the full term fee plus the registration fee (one-off only) when enrolling. We do not offer a part payment option, cash payments or casual week by week fee payment. Children joining mid-term are charged for the remainder of the lessons in that term. These fees must be paid in full prior to your child starting the classes. Fees are not to be discussed with teachers. All fee discussions need to be directed to our office. Cash or any form of payment is not be accepted by teachers unless arranged through our office.

Any fees unpaid by week 3 of term may result in cancellation of your enrolment and your place will go to someone else.


Fees are non refundable once the current term begins. We do not refund for missed classes, unless we cancel a class and are unable to offer a make-up class at an alternative time. Registration fees are non-refundable. 

Credit towards future classes may be offered at our discretion. Please contact our office to discuss this. 


We realize that parents love to take photos of their children doing ballet, but taking photographs during weekly classes is strongly discouraged as it is distracting and the opportunity for photographs is available at the end of every term at ‘Show Day.’

Parents/carers/guardians are invited to bring up to 4 family and friends to view the final class of each term at ‘Show Day’ to give the children an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned. At this viewing class, parents/carers/guardians may take photographs throughout the lesson. Photos taken by parents are for personal use only and should only be of your own child.

Photographs and videos may also be taken by staff or professional photographers during terms for use on our website, facebook page and marketing materials e.g. brochures. Parents will always be notified of organized photographic sessions and will always have the option of not having their child participate.

By signing this terms and conditions page you agree that your child may be photographed or videoed in class by parents, staff and professional photographers and at arranged photography and video sessions and you agree to be responsible for removing your child from class if you do not want them photographed.

Important Note: All adults taking photographs of children are subject to both State and Federal laws regarding the taking and use of photographs of children to find out more please go to: http://www.aifs.gov.au/nch/pubs/sheets/rs18/rs18.pdf

You will always be notified by our office of photographic sessions organized for marketing purposes where photos will be used on marketing material and you are always free to not have your child participate. Participation is entirely optional.